Welcome Arlette!

Arlette is working hard on the products she will be exhibiting at Perfume sir? and we are thrilled about it!

A bit on her background:

London based Arlette Ess creates drawing, prints and accessories for her own eponymous studio. With a background in fashion and graphics, Arlette’s work is characterised by an intricate combination of cultural references, a glimpse to her inner world.

Tags: perfume-sir

DesignMarketo backstage – volunteering in probably the most exciting exhibition in London this september

Perfume, Sir?

This is your chance to discover DesignMarketo backstage!
We will need help to setup, instal and run our Perfume, Sir? exhibition this September during the London Design Festival, from the 13th of September until the 23rd.
There will be a bar, a shop, an exhibition, a series of workshops and two dinners—we need extra help to make all this happen!

Set up 13-17th: all day long
Event: 17-21: exhibition opened 10am – 11pm
Take down: 22-23: all day

If interested please contact with your available date and time, if there is anything special you prefer to help with (bar, invigilating, diner, etc), previous experience and phone contact.

Fit for purpose.

Expanded polystyrene is a bulky and difficult to recycle material., but because of its low volume to weight ratio, is widely used in packaging. Its defaults made also its virtues. Trapped air makes an ideal material for cushioning and thermal insulation.

For all its virtues, re-using EP to make plant pots seems to fit perfectly. You will find it, as the second life of fish boxes, in narrow streets and back yards all over Japan.

Easy to break when the plant grows and need more space (so changing pot is an easy task), they also protect the roots from day/ night temperature shocks.

Over time, the material takes the appearance of stone, and acquires a nature-like feeling.
While not ideal, changing from disposable to medium term use reduces waste.

Tags: Oscar Diaz

Thank you Gisele!
Gisele is in Reunion Island harvesting Baies Roses and Bourbon Pepper for Perfume, Sir our new concept event for London Design Festival in September— rainy weather during the winter on this side of the globe!

Tags: baies bourbon LDF pepper perfume-sir reunion rose september

#icesculpting #typography #carving #cocktail

Tags: cocktail typography