Does the design of a cup influence the taste of the tea?

After serving Coffee during the London Design Week last September we thought it would be good to make it even for the tea lovers.

As part of the events organised for their upcoming exhibition Future Beauty: 30 Years of Japanese Fashion, the Barbican Centre commissioned DesignMarketo to organise an event based around Japan, offering us the fabulous environment of their gallery.

Tea Tasting was based on a simple question: does the exact same tea, brewed by a local tea master, taste the same if drunk in various containers. How much does the design of a cup influence the taste of its content? Working with John Kennedy from Teasmith, we specially commissioned five designers to create a limited edition of five containers each. Each participants was invited to taste the exact same tea, and to appreciate (and test) how each container, by its different size and material, would alter the taste of John’s tea. The result was remarkable as well as intriguing.


To commission DesignMarketo please contact us.


Tea Tasting was commissioned by the Barbican Centre

Designers specially commissioned: Julian Bond, Maria Jeglinska, Use.Dev.Org, Nicola Zocca, and Alexandre Bettler

Furniture by Lars Frideen

Supported by Teasmith



Tea teasting last version from lara garcia on Vimeo.